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Six Things To Do This School Year To Stay Safe On The Road

The obvious shopping trips have been happening, choosing a new backpack, pencils, paper, binders and books! You’ve made sure you have just the right back to school outfit and shoes for the little ones…. You’ve bought new dorm and apartment furniture for the kids heading off to university and college.  These things might be checked off your to-do list, but what about preparing the car that is going to haul all those care packages off to university, and the car that will be driving back and forth to school and dropping off the kids and their friends to after school activities and events?  The driving can be endless it seems during the school year and much of it occurs through busy neighborhoods and school zones.  This means that regular maintenance of your vehicle for safety and reliability is even more important than usual!

Whether it be the cars of busy college students or parents with kids, we want to make sure everyone gets a passing grade this school year.  Whether it’s new students heading out on their own, the soccer mom, carpool parent, dance dad…let’s keep everyone safe on the road!

six things stay safe roads school year

Here are six things you should do to stay safe on the roads this school year:

1.Basic Maintenance

The basic maintenance will help extend the life of your car and at Precision Auto Service, we will be happy to help you with this. A few of these maintenance items can be checked yourself, but it is much safer to have a proper service done on your car by an expert.

Oil level and condition – Make sure oil is changed at the proper intervals.

Headlights and Brake lights – Make sure you can see and be seen!

Brakes – Kind of self-explanatory!  Can you stop quick and immediately?  These   must be checked by an expert technician.

Tires – Check the tread ware of your tire and the pressure.    Will they provide the proper traction you need to corner and stop in cold wet conditions?  Make sure the correct pressure is in each tire.  Time for a tire rotation?

All fluid levels and their condition –   Transmission, Coolant , Brake and Power Steering fluids should be checked periodically to make sure they are at adequate levels and no leaks.Is it time for an oil change?

Wiper blades and wiper fluid – We will soon be into the rainier season!  Visibility is key to safe driving.


2.Check Owner’s Manual

Major repairs can often be prevented when following the recommended maintenance schedule for your vehicle.  This will let you know the proper schedule for when things need to be checked, changed, and rotated. At Precision Auto Service, we can help you with this as well!


3.Check Dashboard Lights

Don’t ignore the lights on your dashboard, get them checked to prevent any costly repairs.


4.Be Prepared

Basic safety equipment is always a good thing to have on hand, especially if you travel quite a bit.

Have a jack and spare tire at all times, as well as jumper cables, basic car tools, gloves, flashlight, batteries, washer fluid.

It’s also always a good idea to have a first aid kit, water, snacks, blanket, ice scraper, shovel.


5.Stay Organized

Between books, bags, sports equipment and shoes and then multiply this by the amount of bodies you sometimes have to haul around, the car can get a tad messy.  It can be a lot less stressful when you can find what you need!

Help keep your car clean with a garbage bag available and organized by using bins to keep your safety equipment, sports equipment and supplies separate and neat.   You may find there is more space in your car then you think!


6.Know Your Car

Familiarize yourself with your car!  Pay attention to its particular noises and nuances, that way you will be more aware of anything unfamiliar and different.  Know where everything is so you can find things easier and faster.  Know where your owner manual and insurance information is kept, where the safety equipment and spare tire are!


Jackie Anderson